Land of Devastation Wiki


Level Experience
1 0
2 1250
3 2500
4 5000
5 10000
6 20000
7 40000
8 80000
9 160000
10 320000
11 480000
12 640000
13 800000
14 960000
+1 +160000

When you have enough experience to gain a level, the next time you enter Sacre Base you'll distribute five points amongst your other stats. (Or cash, but no-one ever takes that option because you can't get attribute points any other way.)


Your strength increases SR weapon damage.

These seemed to fit Attributes/Strength data.

Let 'round' be dropping the decimal part if it's less than 0.5, and going to the next integer up if the decimal part is >= 0.5.

Strength bonus: (effective str - 21)/63.

  • (Multiply that by 100 and round off to get the percentage displayed by C-Stats.)

For each of the low end and high end of the weapon's base damage,

  • (Where Intensify of None. = 0, and Intensify 30% is 0.30)
  • Effective damage = base damage * (1 + strength bonus) * (1 + intensify)
    • Round that off to get the displayed effective damage.


Increase Dexterity to miss less.

The Hit probability versus: in the third page of C-Stats is not affected by accurize.

This seemed to fit Attributes/Dexterity data.

  • Displayed hit chance: round( Dex / ( AglZone * 2 ) * 100 )
Zone Agl
1 21
2 29
3 45
4 60
5 68


This seemed to fit Attributes/Agility data.

  • Displayed Defense probability versus:: round( ( 1 - ( DexZone / ( Agl * 2 ) ) * 100 )
Zone Dex
1 19
2 29
3 45
4 61
5 70